As we bid adios to 2021, all of us here at the Democratic Party of Valencia County want to wish you the best of all possible new years. 2022 will be an important year in the political life of our County, State, and Country. We will have a lot of information for you as the year progresses. We will be asking all of our Democratic friends to help us out so that we can secure a prosperous and promising future for ourselves and our children.
When we reach out to you, please let us hear back from you. Even a note of encouragement goes a long way to support the many people working every day to help us promote our priorities for Valencia County. If you can help out by volunteering, please reach out. Take that first step and let us know you’re willing to help make 2022 a winning year for Democrats in Valencia County! We are grateful for all the support we receive!
Please be safe as you welcome in the new year. Be cautious if you choose to drive, be aware of your surroundings, avoid large gatherings if at all possible, and wear a mask if you go out. New Mexico is just entering our Omicron spike, so this week it is critical to take all precautions to protect yourself and others.
Happy New Year, Valencia Democrats and all our Valencia neighbors! We’ll see you in 2022!
– Your DPVC Leadership Team