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For decades we have heard an idea parroted by every member of the GOP: Any tax cut is a good thing. Is this true? Would we all be better off with a tax cut, even if it didn’t actually cut OUR taxes, but did cut someone else’s taxes?

Currently, there is a bill before the NM Legistlature that would cut SOME taxes that are levied on Social Security income. It would not cut all taxes on social security. Plus, there are already many New Mexicans who are exempted from paying a tax on their social security income because they are in a low or middle income bracket or for other reasons.

This particular issue lends itself to an experiment. I suggest that our readers do a little examination of the issue. There are valid points to make from both sides here.

While I am adamantly opposed to “both siderism”, there is a normal world of politics that can exist which allows multiple views and a considered opinion to prevail. Personally, I long for the days when politics were about differing opinions, rather than differing facts (differing facts do not exist) and a robust debate with intelligent discussions by honest parties who simply disagree. Perhaps one day we will return to this Xanadu of politics, but today we must improvise.

Take the time to read both of the articles linked below. They each approach the topic of cutting some state taxes on social security from a different perspective. Then, use the comment section below to express your opinion.

If you’re not yet a member, sign-up easily so you can comment, too. Most of all, try not to become emotional but just engage in a discussion. Maybe we’ll even reach a consensus or have some epiphany that we can share with our legislators. We will not all agree, but we can all agree to disagree amicably. And, we’ll be better friends and supporters because of the respect we show for each other.

Harris: Exempting All Social Security Income From Tax Won’t Help Seniors Who Need It Most

by Fred Harris, former US Senator

Social Security has done a remarkable job keeping the vast majority of seniors out of poverty. Those seniors who still live in poverty should receive more help from the federal and state governments.

But exempting all Social Security income from taxation won’t deliver one penny of help to our low-income seniors. What it will mean is the state will have less money to support the programs and services that matter most to our communities.

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Legislators dawdle on repeal of Social Security tax

by Milan Simonich, editor of the Santa Fe New Mexican

Thanks to corporate lobbyists, New Mexico legislators might never pick up a check at the Bull Ring, Rio Chama or any other upscale restaurant where they assemble.

It’s just one reason lawmakers will trip over one another to accommodate corporate titans. But foot-dragging is a statehouse specialty when it comes to helping ordinary people keep a few more dollars in their pockets.

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