With candidates already lining up to run in 2024, it is time to prepare for a fair and safe election throughout our diverse Congressional District. To this end, we have organized another virtual event where this time we will discuss voter rights with emphasis on the Voting Rights Act passed in this year’s legislative session. We will also cover voter protection with emphasis on why this is essential as well as how to implement such a program. This knowledge and information is incredibly important as we work together to keep CD2 blue!
So, please join us for “Safeguarding 2024: Voter Rights and Protection” to be held via Zoom on Saturday, July 8, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
Our featured speakers will be:
· Amanda López Askin, Doña Ana County Clerk
· Marci Beyer, former Doña Ana County District Court Judge
· Matt Runnels, Chair, Grant County Democratic Party
For more information on our speakers, click here .
To register for this event, please click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckd-2vrzssGtQW_AKtDs16MYmz7fEKBtM5