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At our General Meeting last night, we heard from Professor Timothy Krebs, a political science professor with UNM. He laid out data regarding the shifting political environment in Valencia County over the last 20+ years and audience members added their own insights and stories regarding the change from a solidly democratic county to a very red one.

Time was short so I didn’t have an opportunity to share with those in attendance what the Democratic Party of Valencia County is planning and doing to address the concerns that we heard. Namely, evangelical churches preaching politics throughout the county causing even historically staunch Democratic families to turn towards the GOP, the urban/rural divide that exists everywhere but especially impacts communities like ours, and changing demographics as the county grows.

To truly represent our constituents, we must reach out and engage with every corner of Valencia County. Our diversity is our strength, and by listening to the concerns and aspirations of all residents, we can develop policies and initiatives that address the needs of every community.

We have pledged to visit towns, neighborhoods, and gatherings, giving all a voice, and ensuring that no one is left behind. We have begun doing this by having our meetings in different locations, planning Ward meetings, holding different types of events throughout the county such as Drinking Democratically, the Women’s March, and our Rally for Reproductive Justice.

But reaching out is not enough; we must also listen. It is crucial that we actively seek input and feedback from our constituents. Their experiences, ideas, and perspectives are invaluable in shaping our policies and determining our priorities. By fostering an open dialogue and embracing diverse viewpoints, we can create a party that truly represents the people of Valencia County. We are doing this by deep canvassing, a strategy that involves going door to door and just listening to the needs of the people without any agenda, attempts to recruit, or campaigning. And then following up on those needs. We also currently have a Constituent Priorities Survey on our website to solicit input from Valencia County Democrats.

As we move forward, we must transform ourselves into more than just a political organization. We must become a service organization dedicated to improving the lives of our fellow residents. Together we can work to initiate programs that support education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and economic opportunities. By directly engaging in service projects, we can demonstrate our commitment to making a positive impact in Valencia County, showing that our party is about more than just winning elections.

DPVC leadership, and members have been actively working with helping agencies, non-profits, and advocacy organizations to make our presence known as a positive, proactive part of our community. Tackling issues such as water conservation, homelessness, food insecurity, and more in an active and direct way will show our residents that we walk the walk.

Furthermore, we are shifting our focus from solely campaigning during election cycles to developing candidates over time. Nurturing potential leaders, providing them with resources and mentorship, and encouraging them to engage with the community will ensure a strong bench of Democratic candidates ready to step up at any given time. By cultivating talent throughout the years, we will build a sustainable pipeline of leaders who reflect the values and aspirations of Valencia County.

Lastly, to secure a bright future for our party, we must actively work to bring in younger members. Our youth are the leaders of tomorrow, and their energy, ideas, and perspectives are vital to our success. Let us create avenues for their involvement, support their organizations such as the Young Dems of Valencia County, and provide platforms for their voices to be heard. By embracing and empowering young Democrats, we not only secure the future of our party but also ensure that the next generation inherits a strong, progressive Valencia County.

In conclusion, let us forge ahead with a vision of unity and inclusivity. By reaching out to every part of Valencia County, listening to our constituents, becoming a service organization, developing candidates over time, and actively engaging younger members, we can propel our party forward.

This is not an easy mission, and it will have to be accomplished over time. We must understand that there are no quick fixes and give our Democratic leaders, elected officials, candidates, and volunteers the opportunity to work towards moving the dial back to Blue. Together, we will create a Democratic Party that reflects the values and aspirations of all residents, working tirelessly to build a better, more equitable Valencia County for generations to come. I have every confidence that this can be done, but it will take all of us. I look forward to working with each of you.

Thank you,

Summer Ludwig, Chair DPVC

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