Next Tuesday, November 7th is Election Day! We know that our votes have the most impact in the local elections, where a winner can be decided by just one vote.
This cycle there are several local non-partisan races to make sure you participate in. We’ll be electing Mayors, City Council members, Municipal Judges, School Board Members, the Valencia Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisor positions, and UNM-Valencia Advisory Council members.
Make sure that you not only vote but get others out to vote too!
FINAL Get Out the Vote PUSH – The Peoples’ Ticket – Valencia Soil and Water Conservation District
The Peoples’ Ticket and All Candidates
Sunday, November 5th from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
613 Frederico Blvd. Rio Communities
We’re making phone calls and knocking on doors and we need your help. Please text 505-514-7492 if you can attend or make phone calls from home.
We are short a few bucks for our last mailer. Can you pitch in $10 to help us pay for it and other expenses?
Donate here: Click here to donate to the Peoples’ Ticket
Get Out the Vote Phonebank!
Get Out the Vote Phonebank!
DPNM will be having their final GOTV Phonebank for our municipal elections, Monday, November 6th from 6PM – 7PM. Early voting has started, and every phone call counts!
Even if you can’t make it, make sure to let your family and friends know. There will be different phone banks for each congressional district, so you will be able to call into the CD of your choice.