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Our amazing Vice Chair, George Colombo, is moving on from his role within DPVC, and he’ll be greatly missed. This means; however, that we need to hold an election to replace him as Vice Chair. In this election, the voters will be our CCC members.

While this is sort of a sad transition (especially for me!) it is also an opportunity for a fresh voice to join our leadership team. The role of a Vice Chair is varied and busy;  you can read more about it on the Statement of Candidacy Form.

We would love to fill this position with someone who has lots of energy, a love for our community, and who will work hard to get Democrats elected! (You also must be a registered Dem in Valencia County).

Please note:

“In the case of a vacancy in the position of Chair or First Vice Chair: If the newly elected First Vice Chair is of the same gender as the incumbent Chair, the gender balance requirements of Article III. Rule 4.1 will be waived to allow both the newly elected officer and the incumbent officer to serve the remainder of the term.

The gender requirement waiver allows candidates of any gender identity to Declare Candidacy to fill the Vice Chair vacancy. Please see the election timeline as follows:

May 7 – Statement of Candidacy Form opens – click HERE to access

May 17 – Statement of Candidacy Form closes at 11:59pm

May 21 – Candidate’s Forum at the General Meeting

June 8 – CCC Meeting to vote for Vice Chair as well as adoption of new county rules. 10am followed by Post-Primary Convention.

**Note – you do not have to be a CCC member to run for Vice Chair, just to vote for Vice Chair. Also, we are asking for self-nominations to ensure that the person running consents to running.

If you have any questions regarding this election, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Summer Ludwig

Chair, DPVC


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