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Join us TONIGHT, Tuesday, September 17th at 6pm for the Grand Opening of our Headquarters! You will have a chance to hear from our candidates, sign up for a myriad of volunteer opportunities, and enjoy light refreshment and chat with like-minded folks!


There are a few items we need for the headquarters, if you can provide them please let us know!

  • Small refrigerator
  • Carpet – our back work room, where we do phone banking, has concrete floors and is very loud and echoes. We would like carpet (remnants, area rugs, etc. to use to help dampen that noise. 
  • Snacks and Drinks for volunteers
  • Silent auction items – our annual gala is coming up and we are accepting donations of items (over $25 value please) for the silent auction
  • Money – renting the headquarters used a significant amount of money. If you are able to donate any amount to help offset that cost it would be very helpful to fund our operations and candidate support needs. 


Can you help man our headquarters? We are open Monday – Friday from 8-11am and 3-6pm from now through the Election. If you would like to sign up to assist please email

We need someone to head up the effort to organize rides to the polls on Election Day. Please email if you would like to spearhead this or if you would be willing to be a driver.

Fundraising/Event Committee Chair needed. Are you organized? Have experience fundraising? We need YOU! Please email if you are interested in this position. 

Volunteer Organizer needed. We have a lot of interested volunteers and many ways to get them in the action; however, we are in need of someone who would be able to help organize the efforts. Please email if you might be that person!

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