You may or may not be aware that there was an Indivisible group
here in Valencia County that was composed primarily of residents of
Jubilee, a development on the west side of Los Lunas. It was a
relatively large group that included neighbors who were actively engaged with local as well as national issues. Unfortunately, Diane Tompkins (the woman who created and ran the group) relocated out of state for family considerations and the group lapsed into inactivity.
After the November election, I got in touch with Diane’s brother, Doug
Wanderwinckel, and he and I have decided to reanimate the group and
broaden its focus a bit to include all of Valencia County. I’m writing
today to let you know about our plans for Valencia County Indivisible
and to invite you to an organizing meeting on March 3.
You don’t need me to tell you that our current political situation is dire
and the way through it all is by no means clear. While there are many
things that will need to be figured out as the new administration
unveils its malign agenda, one thing that is crystal clear to me is that
we will all need to stay connected and supportive of each other if
we’re going to form an effective resistance. In fact, creating a
sense of community is one of our fundamental goals.
Beyond that, the national Indivisible organization is an amazing resource and will provide a rich and robust structure for our local efforts.
So, if this sounds interesting to you, I’d like to invite you to come to
our organizing meeting on March 3rd from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. We’ll be
meeting at the Los Lunas firehouse on Sandsage Road… and there will be pizza!
We’re all going to need each other over the next four years and
this is a first step towards creating the progressive community that
Valencia County so desperately needs. And, insofar as this is an
organizing meeting, it will be a great opportunity to put your
fingerprints on what our local plan looks like as we move forward.
Please let me know if you’ll be able to attend or if you have any questions. I hope to see you there. More importantly, I hope to be standing shoulder to shoulder with you over the next four years.
There’s only one way for us to get through everything that’s going on… and that’s to work and fight together.
George Colombo (757) 561-0493
P.S. Please feel free to forward this email along to any Valencia County friends or neighbors you think might be interested!
**This is not an affiliated group with the Democratic Party of Valencia County; however, we do support them and many of us will be involved.