In the words of Rep. Melanie Stansbury, “this is not normal!”
Are the President of the United States and the Attorney General the ultimate authorities on the law? NO!
Trump has signed an Executive Order in which he attempts to wrestle the entire power and authority of the three branches of government under his office. This may be the most blatant grab for consolidated power made by Trump yet.
What you can do:
Read – Read a simple and clear argument against Trump’s latest grab for power (
Watch – Watch Rep. Stansbury’s full speech on the floor of the House of Representatives (watch here:
Call – Call your local elected officials and tell them you do not support Trump’s Executive Order (titled “Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies). The website has a script you can follow and will help you identify each of your elected officials to call.
Encourage – Encourage your family and friends to call their representatives too! Especially if you have contacts in other states encourage them to call. Be sure to mention making calls is easy, quick, and makes a difference!
Get Involved Locally – Now is the time to get involved locally! Grassroots actions have always been the way forward and we are committed to create lasting change in our community. We need your skills in the fight for our democracy, justice, fair and accessible elections, true equality for every person, living wages, clean air and water, stable access to food, and to secure our children’s futures. Join us here
Donate – Donate to and fund the causes you care about. Every dollar counts. Please consider a donation to the local Democratic Party of Valencia County (
) or your favorite national organization.