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2025 DPVC Internal Election Information

Ward Chair and Vice Chair Roles (Directly from the DPNM Rules)

3.1 – Ward Chair

The Ward Chair shall:

1. be the chief executive of the ward.

2. preside over all ward meetings and shall participate in the proceedings of all ward committees including the making of motions and voting unless otherwise stated in these DPNM Rules. She/he/they shall not be counted in determining the quorum ( Article I, Section 6 ) of any committee, nor count as one of the specified number of committee members, unless otherwise stated in these DPNM Rules.

3. have general management of all ward affairs and election campaigns at the ward level.

4. have the power to appoint committees.

5. express a personal preference for candidates in the Democratic Primary Election if she/he/they so desire.

6. participate, as a member of the County Executive Committee ( Article III, Rule 4.7 ), in the appointment of ward and/or precinct officers and County Central Committee members when new precincts or wards are created in accordance with New Mexico law and applicable Democratic Party Rules ( Article IV, Rule 5.4 ).

3.2 – Ward Vice Chair

The Vice-Chair shall perform all duties assigned by the Chair and perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.

County Central Committee (CCC) Membership and Roles

Section 2 – County Central Committee

2.1 – Powers and Authority

The County Central Committee is the governing body of the County Democratic Party when regularly convened in the absence of a convention in session. It shall have general supervision and control of the political affairs of the party in the county, except as otherwise provided. By a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all of its members, it may adopt or amend supplemental county party rules not in conflict with these DPNM Rules.

2.2 – Assessments

The County Central Committee shall have the authority to levy dues or assessments upon the various recognized party organizations on an equitable basis.

2.3 – Members

The County Central Committees shall be composed of the following. Membership on the Committee is not subject to the requirement of equal division of men and women ( Article I, Rule 3.4.6 ). 1. Ward Chairs 2. Precinct Chairs 3. Additional Committee Persons Additional committee persons as allocated to the precincts on the basis of the average of votes cast in each precinct for the Democratic candidate in the most recent presidential and gubernatorial elections. 62 Article III January 30, 2025 ARTICLE III – COUNTY PARTY ORGANIZATION A fair allocation formula shall be set by the supplemental county party rules and shall be uniform throughout the county. The allocation may vary from one committee person for each 200 votes to one committee person for each 25 votes, depending on the supplemental county party rules, provided, however, that the allocation formula shall not result in more than one-third (1/3) of the precincts of the county being represented by only one committee person. The membership allotted to the precinct chair is included in the number of committee persons allocated to that precinct. 4. County Chair and First Vice Chair 5. Any or all of the following only if supplemental county party rules so provide a. Other County Party Officers b. State Legislators who reside within the county c. County Commissioners d. Members of Caucuses Such members of approved caucuses and affiliated organizations as may be provided for in accordance with Article III, Section 6 of these DPNM Rules and any relevant supplemental county party rules.

2.4 – Meetings and Calls

The County Central Committee shall meet upon the call of the County Chair or by a call initiated by the petition of a majority of the membership. The call shall give reasonable notice and shall be mailed to each member and shall specify the time, place and purposes of the meeting. Publication of notice shall be according to Article I, Rule . The call may be amended only by a three-fourths (3/4) vote.

2.5 – Proxy

Except as otherwise provided, proxy voting is permitted. A proxy shall be in writing, signed by the person giving the proxy and filed with the County Secretary. A proxy shall be valid only when voted by a registered Democrat of the same ward as the person giving the proxy, provided that no person may hold more than three (3) proxies at one time.

County Chair and County Vice Chair Roles and Election

4.4 – Powers and Duties of County Officers

4.4.1 – County Chair

The County Chair shall:

be the chief executive of the County Party.

preside over all meetings of the County Central Committee and the County Executive Committee and shall participate in the proceedings of all other committees including the making of motions and voting unless otherwise stated in these DPNM Rules. She/he/they shall not be counted in determining the quorum ( Article I, Section 6 ) of any committee, nor count as one of the specified number of committee members, unless otherwise stated in these DPNM Rules.

have general management of all County Party affairs and county election campaigns.

have the power to appoint any committees which the Chair deems necessary or which the County Central Committee may authorize.

allocate the County Central Committee in accordance with Article III, Rule 2.3.3 .

refrain from using her/his/their office to advance the cause of any individual candidate, including her/him/themself, for office in the Democratic Primary Election.

appoint ward and/or precinct officers and County Central Committee members when new precincts or wards are created in accordance with New Mexico law and applicable DPNM Rules ( Article IV, Rule 5.4) .

4.4.2 – Vice Chair(s)

The First Vice-Chair shall perform all duties assigned by the Chair and shall perform the duties of the Chair in her/his/their absence. The Second Vice-Chair (when such position is provided for in supplemental county party rules) shall perform all duties assigned by the Chair and shall perform the duties of the First Vice-Chair in her/his/their absence. (NOTE: DPVC does not have rules allowing a Second Vice Chair). County Vice Chairs shall refrain from using their office to advance the cause of any individual candidate including themselves for office in the Democratic Primary Election.

State Central Committee (SCC) Membership and Roles

Section 1 – State Central Committee

1.1 – Powers and Authority

1.1.1 – General

The State Central Committee is the supreme governing body of the DPNM when regularly convened in the absence of a convention in session. It shall have general supervision and control of the political affairs of the party. The term of the State Central Committee shall begin on April 1 st of the year in which state party officers are elected ( Article II, Rule 2.1 ) and shall end on March 31 st , two years later. Members elected to fill a vacancy shall serve until the end of the current SCC term. Members of the State Central Committee shall serve as automatic delegates to all State Conventions, in addition to those state delegates duly elected at the County Conventions, unless prohibited by the rules of the Democratic Party of the United States.

1.1.2 – Financing of the DPNM

The policy of the DPNM is that its business shall be financed primarily by contributions from each of its individual members as their means allow. The State Central Committee has the responsibility of fulfilling that policy. The Budget & Finance Committee shall assist the State Central Committee in fulfilling the SCC’s responsibility regarding financing of the DPNM. See Article II, Rule 7.4 . Through approval of the budget, the SCC shall have the authority to approve the appropriation of state party funds.

1.1.3 – Assessments

The State Central Committee shall have the authority to levy dues or assessments upon the various recognized party organizations ( Article II, Rule 10.1 ) on an equitable basis proportional to the representation such organizations have on the State Central Committee.

1.2 – Members of the State Central Committee T

he State Central Committee shall be composed of the following:

1.2.1 – County Chairs and Vice Chairs

The Chair and First Vice-Chair of each county. Also, if supplemental county party rules provide for a Second Vice-Chair ( Article III, Rule 4.1(c) ), and if the county has at least five (5) allocated State Central Committee members, supplemental county party rules may also provide for the Second Vice-Chair to automatically receive one of the allocated SCC positions.

1.2.2 – Additional SCC Members If the average of the number of votes in a county for the nominees for Governor and President in the most recent election for each office exceeds 2500, then additional members shall be added to the State Central Committee for that county. – SCC Elections for Counties with more than one Congressional District For a county that has been apportioned into multiple Congressional Districts, the total number of State Central Committee members calculated in Article II, Rule shall be allocated to each Congressional District based on that district’s percentage contribution to the average of the number of votes in the county for the nominees for Governor and President in the most recent elections. After adding up the whole member numbers calculated for each district:

● If the county is entitled to one more member, then the district with the largest fractional part of a member shall receive an additional member.

● If the county is entitled to two more members, then the two districts with the larger fractional parts shall each receive an additional member; etc.

Before electing the additional members to each district, the Chair and the Vice Chair shall be subtracted from the additional members required for the district in which they each reside. The County Central Committee within each district shall nominate and elect their own additional State Central Committee members according to Article I, Rule . There shall be equal numbers of men and women (within a variance of not more than one) among the members of the State Central Committee from each district within the county. The voting procedures relating to equal division of men and women apply.

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