Every little bit counts...
The reason we hear that so often during fundraisers is because it is very true.
As Democrats, we’ve seen the power of small donations. President Obama’s campaign was maybe the most successful grassroots campaign in American history.
His 2008 campaign donors were over 90% folks who contributed less than $100.
We are working on creating a strong, sustainable county party and to do that, we need donors we can count on. Please give what you can, every little bit really does count.

The DPVC needs your help!
We know that we face many important battles ahead in our fight for democracy, justice, fair and accessible elections, true equality for every person, living wages, clean air and water, and to secure our children’s futures. We can’t do it without you. Please fill out the form below and someone will contact you to find a place in our County party where you can make a difference.