Friday Toons for October 2022 (April Fools!)
It's "Hug a Comedian" day! As a bonus, remind the humorist that, no matter how bad their jokes are, you will not resort to violence. Today is the first day in our lifetime that you can not be detained or arrested for possessing or smoking marijuana in New Mexico. (I...
Breaking News: Dem Sheriff Candidate Rodney Jones on the ballot, wins case in court.
Breaking News: Dem Sheriff Candidate Rodney Jones on the ballot, wins case in court.
DPVC Supports Cannabis Business In Valencia County
DPVC Supports Cannabis Business In Valencia County
Friday Toons
It's a long list today, so I'm separating them into categories. Each category is a collage. Click on the image to enlarge and enjoy! Gas Prices & Russian Oil Vlad the Terrible Ukraine the Great The GQP Women's Rights...
Fear and Loathing in Lost Florida
The sunshine state has a long tradition of legislating on fear. It’s easy to think it all started with the Brooks Brother’s Riot and the Y2K debacle. But it goes way back. For our purposes, I’ll just mention one name from the 1970s: Anita Bryant.
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: A Look At How Four Women Are Impacting American Justice
The four Democrat-appointed women who are exemplars of American Jurisprudence: Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan, & Jackson
The new NM State Auditor will be a Democrat (the GOP is not fielding a candidate).
The new NM State Auditor will be a Democrat (the GOP is not fielding a candidate).
Republicans living in La-La Land can’t even run a simple convention election.
The GOP had their Pre-Primary Convention Saturday and, well, it was an embarrassment.
Friday Toons
I realize there are a lot of toons, but I have to make up for last week! Enjoy! And happy weekend! PS - Don't forget the Drive-Thru Petition Signing tomorrow, Saturday, from Noon to 2. Click here for more info.
You don’t need scientific evidence to remove a mask mandate
You don’t need scientific evidence to remove a mask mandate.